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iCanCope Pain Education
About Chronic Pain
What is chronic pain?
Factors that influence how you experience pain
Headaches and migraines
Abdominal pain
Musculoskeletal (MSK) pain
Neuropathic pain
Pelvic pain
Coping with a chronic pain diagnosis
Key messages
What have you learned?
Physical Therapies
What are physical therapies and how do they work?
Active therapies
Passive therapies
Combination therapies
Physical therapies for neuropathic (nerve) pain
Physical therapy and your healthcare team
Key messages
What have you learned?
Psychological Therapies
How psychological treatments work
Types of psychological therapy
Key messages
What have you learned?
Pain and your mood
Fear of pain
Catastrophizing about pain
Unhealthy coping methods
Healthy coping methods
How your healthcare team can help
Key messages
What have you learned?
Using medications to improve your function
How well do pain medications work?
Important points about medications
Types of medications
Over the Counter medication
Prescription medications
Interventional procedures
Complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs)
Common questions about pain medication
Key messages
What have you learned?
How does sleep work?
How can pain affect my sleep?
How can I improve my sleep habits?
How can I manage fatigue?
Key messages
What have you learned?
Physical activity
Physical activity guidelines
Different types of exercise
Fear of movement
Key messages
What have you learned?
Types of communication
Chronic pain and communication
Talking to your healthcare team
How to make the most of your clinic visit
Working on your healthcare plan
Maintaining relationships
Staying connected with family and friends
Talking to family, friends or partner about your chronic pain
Talking to your school about chronic pain
Key messages
What have you learned?
Lifestyle and Health
Alcohol and recreational drugs
How to refrain from unhealthy lifestyle choices
Healthy eating
Key messages
iCanCope Pain Education
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