Key messages
Chronic pain is often the result of changes in the sensitivity of your nerves, spinal cord and brain. This change produces the feeling of pain even when there is no ongoing injury or danger.
You should seek medical help if your pain symptoms get worse, if new symptoms arise or if your health worsens.
To help you accept a chronic pain diagnosis, get support from those who care for you and others living with chronic pain, challenge any negative thoughts and try to remember the good things happening in your life.
Chronic pain is best managed using the 3P approach – a combination of physical, psychological, and pharmacological strategies. It’s important to use as many strategies as possible and find the best mix of 3Ps that works for you.
You can safely start the 3P approach to pain management at any time with your healthcare provider.
The goal of a chronic pain management plan is to improve your function and quality of life, rather than complete pain relief.